The asset archive

2D assets are neatly packaged in a structured .zip archive. The structure of the archive is showcased below with the included You can pass an archive with the same structure, but different files, in order to customize the graphics.

|       artifact0.png
|       artifact1.png
|       artifact2.png
|       artifact3.png
|       background_1.png
|       size.txt
|       blast01.png
|       blast02.png
|       blast03.png
|       blast04.png
|   +---team_1
|   |       enemyBlue1.png
|   |       enemyBlue2.png
|   |       enemyBlue3.png
|   |       enemyBlue4.png
|   |       enemyBlue5.png
|   |       
|   +---team_2
|   |       enemyRed1.png
|   |       enemyRed2.png
|   |       enemyRed3.png
|   |       enemyRed4.png
|   |       enemyRed5.png
|   |       
|   \---team_3
|           enemyGreen1.png
|           enemyGreen2.png
|           enemyGreen3.png
|           enemyGreen4.png
|           enemyGreen5.png
|       laserBlue01.png
|       laserBlue02.png
|       laserBlue03.png
|       laserBlue04.png
|       laserBlue05.png
|       laserBlue06.png
|       laserBlue07.png
|       laserBlue08.png
|       laserBlue09.png
|       laserBlue10.png
|       laserBlue11.png
|       laserBlue12.png

Notice that the file base names end with numbers: you are free to choose the name, but the number at the end is important. For bodies, bullets and blasts, it’s what is referenced by the keys body_type, bullet_type and blast_type in graphics bot settings inside the Write a bot file page. For drop ports and artifacts, the number is used according to the team they belong to (cfr. Artifacts and drop ports) coherently with the subfolders team_1, team_2… inside bots. Therefore, it’s advisable that the items are color-coded coherently across the archive. If the drop port or the artifact are neutral, the file with base name ending with 0 is used. In the background folder, you will notice the size.txt file: this file consists of one line with one integer, which is the side (in pixels) of the square that will tile the background filled with copies of the .png file in the same folder.