Writing AIs

Writing AIs is the core task in Battlematica.


It is highly suggested that you read Game Mechanics and Game State before this section.

Plain Python

An AI directly usable by the Battlematica core code is simply a function of this form:

def my_ai(self: Bot, state: dict):

    # do stuff

    return action, target_x, target_y

action is a string, one of the ones listed in Actions. target_x, target_y are floats, representing the target of the action.

Once you have your function, you assign it to a Bot instance through the metod set_ai.

If the function happens to return None (e.g., when the end of the function is reached without hitting a return statement at all), the Bot will loiter in place.

You are free to write whatever you like inside the function! You can write bots that use machine learning, neural networks…

In addition to this bare-bones, maximum freedom method, which will be most palatable to anyone that wants to use Battlematica for research and experiments, Battlematica offers also more immediacy through the purpose-built languace, BATTLANG.


BATTLANG is a small language that can be used to specify behavior trees. Battlematica is able, through the battlang subpackage, to turn BATTLANG into a straight Python function of the form above that can be, then, used in your scripts.

from battlematica import Bot, translate_battlang_file
# translate_battlang_string is also available

TEAM_1 = 1

mybot = Bot(100, 100, 0, TEAM_1)
my_battlang_ai = translate_battlang_file('./sample_battlang_ai/ultimate.blng')

BATTLANG is designed to offer the most natural way of expression possible. You can write conditions, and the block of conditional statements to be executed under this condition is identified through 4-space indentation, similarly to Python itself. Comments are introduced by “#”.


Only 4-space indentation is supported: do not use tab.

Here is an example of a program written in BATTLANG, showcasing its flavour and structure:

? me shield_level(0,50)
    ? enemy bot in_range(0,300) shooting with_target here
        ? me carrying
            drop here
        move away_from nearest enemy bot shooting with_target here

? me carrying
    drop at nearest ally port

shoot nearest enemy bot in_range(0,100)
shoot weakest enemy bot in_range(0,300) shield_level(0,25)
shoot least_shield enemy bot in_range(0,200)

? me shield_level(75,100)
    ? not enemy bot shooting with_target here
        pick nearest ally artifact
        move to nearest enemy bot

shoot least_shield enemy bot in_range(0,300)
move to nearest enemy bot


The essential structure of the statements is:

? [not] (one identifier and zero or more filters)

Introduced by ? [not], the condition activates a conditional block if any object specified by the identifier and the filter exists (or not).

command + (one selector, one identifier and zero or more filters)

If any object specified by the identifier and the filter exists, it selects one with the selector and makes it the target of the command. If none exist, the command is not emitted and the program continues. The first valid command encountered is executed and the program stops.


The grammar should cleanly support nesting for those constructs that support it - essentially filters that have a spatial parameter, for example:

? move to nearest enemy bot shooting with_target nearest ally bot health_level(0,25)

This statement is a command, but since the with_target filter needs a spatial parameter, this spatial parameter can be specified by nesting the descriptor of an object collocated in space: in this case, nearest ally bot health_level(0,25).

  • command: move [to]

  • selector: nearest

  • identifier: bot

  • filter: enemy, with_target (one selector, one identifier and zero or more filters)

The grammar should support any level of nesting, but more than one should seldom be needed. Nesting can optionally be visually aided with the use of parentheses.


The spatial parameter can also be filled with here, meaning the position of the bot executing the function.

Frequently, one wants to use such parametric filters accepting any object from a group. This is possible by using the keyword any to form an “anyfilter”. For example:

? shoot least_health enemy bot shooting with_target any ally bot


For the technical user, the BATTLANG language is defined ad parsed on-the-fly according to a BNF grammar that you can find under battlematica/battlang.


The lexer-parser used by BATTLANG is directly taken from the pynetree package. The package is no longer mantained and, since the version on Pypi presented import issues in some cases, the MIT-licensed code is directly included in Battlematica instead of using pynetree as a requirement. Nevertheless, all credit for this part natuarlly goes to the original author, Jan Max Meyer.

Using the library directly

BATTLANG, under the hood, is translated against a library of primitives that you can naturally access directly. If you want, you can write Python code leveraging these functions. This could be seen as a mixed method that offers a handy baseline of primitives but still offers you the possibility to use whatever Python tool you want.

We’ll use a very basic AI, shoot_retire (included in the sample_ai submodule) to illustrate this method. The purpose of this AI is simply to go towards the nearest enemy and shoot at it. When the shield level drops under 20%, the Bot will flee away from the nearest enemy that is targeting it.

from battlematica import StateQuerier, Bot
from battlematica import library as lib

def shoot_retire(self: Bot, state):

    query = StateQuerier(state)

    closest_enemy = query(lib.i_bots(),
                          lib.s_closest_to_xy(self.x, self.y))

    closest_enemy_nc = query(lib.i_bots(),
                             lib.f_has_target(self.x, self.y),
                             lib.s_closest_to_xy(self.x, self.y))

    # if shield is low, flee
    if self.shield_pct < 0.2:
        if closest_enemy_nc is not None:
            return 'move', 2 * self.x - closest_enemy_nc['x'], 2 * self.y - closest_enemy_nc['y']
            return 'loiter', self.x, self.y

    # shoot enemy well into range (80% of firing range)
    tg = query(lib.i_bots(),
               lib.f_position_in_circle(self.x, self.y, self.bullet_range * .8),
               lib.s_closest_to_xy(self.x, self.y))
    if tg is not None:
        return 'shoot', tg['x'], tg['y']

    # go to nearest enemy
    if closest_enemy is not None:
        return 'move', closest_enemy['x'], closest_enemy['y']

You operate by using the functions found in the library submodule and StateQuerier. These are used to get one or more objects from the field (enemies, artifacts, allies…) according to a set of criterions that “sieve” the state. The functions contained in the library submodule are divided in identifiers, filters and selectors.

A sequence of functions from these are passed as arguments of calls to the instance of StateQuerier.


You must begin with an identifier, then apply zero or more filters, and optionally finish with a selector.


If you do not finish with a selector, you are returned a list of states of objects, possibly empty. If you finish with a selector, you are returned either the selected object state or None.

When the filter or selector requires parameters to make sense (example: if you want to select the object closest to X, Y, you must pass those coordinates), you pass them as arguments according to the signature.

An object state is just one of the dicts nested into the Game State, so naturally you can access its properties by square bracket indexing.

This should be enough to get started with writing AIs!